High Recall Saves Lives and Gets Impressions

I had the pleasure of crafting various ads for the Michigan State Police for seven years.

In that time, I wrote TV and radio commercials, print, outdoor, digital and educational content primarily for drunk driving, seatbelt enforcement and motorcycle safety campaigns.

My biggest result? I won my sixth in 2013 for the commercial “Excuses.”

This commercial was the state’s most popular anti-drunk driving public service announcement in years and maintained a high recall among our target audience of 18-34 men for over five years.

In the samples below, see how I used drama and comedy interchangeably.

This commercial helped combat drunk driving and won me my sixth Emmy.

In a first of its kind, this commercial used no words to convey the importance of wearing a seatbelt.

This spot took a humorous approach to illustrate seatbelt enforcement.